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Birthday Bee Hive Piñata

This balloon popped…so we moved onto this one.

Simon turned 7 at the beginning of September. We decided we’d make him a birthday piñata and this is how it all began. I’m going to mention right off the bat this piñata business is no quick project, it is a […]

Rainy Day Beanbags

With the rain comes much creativity at our house. I love cozy rainy days. We’ve had a whole pile of them lately so Gussy and I decided we’d make some beanbags the other day when we needed something to entertain us.

First – we ate a banana – […]

Where The Magic Happens

This is a tiny part of what we call our “art room” and boy is it ever an art room. I feel like one of the luckiest humans on earth to have all that we have, and to be as happy as a lark pretty much constantly, this definitely isn’t […]